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Your vehicle needs winter boots!

As Ontarians, we know our fate as we head into what’s sure to be another long, Canadian winter. Living between the Great Lakes has a long list of perks but come wintertime, we experience weather a bit differently than others as we battle lake effect snow, and bone chilling wind!

Getting around in the wintertime involves early departures that allow plenty of travel time and stress-free commuting. It’s important to take your time and keep winter safety tips in mind while on the road, but if you’re driving on summer tires, you’re bound to run into difficulties. Winter tires have proven to be extremely beneficial in wintery conditions, and there are several reasons why they’re absolutely necessary.

Newsflash: Winter tires and all-season tires aren’t the same thing!

That’s right, folks! All-season tires work magnificently, until the temperatures start to plummet. They offer great handling and feature good braking performance on dry and wet surfaces, but only in mild winter conditions. When the thermometer dips below 7°C, all-season tires become stiff and lose traction. Studies have shown that when going 50km/h, winter tires stop two car-lengths shorter than all-season tires. CarFax Canada has even reported that winter tires have better traction on icy roads at -30°C than all-season tires do at +4°C!

Don’t slip!

A winter tire has single direction tread patterns that are designed to excel in slippery conditions. The average tread depth is between 10/32” and 12/32”, designed specifically for digging into snow and gripping onto ice.

Regular tires crack under [cold] pressure.

The rubber compound found in summer tires are designed for warm weather. Winter tires are made of rubber that stays soft and pliable when the weather gets frigid. When summer tires are exposed to freezing temperatures, they risk cracking, ultimately compromising their longevity.

The switch can seem like a hassle, but a good set of winter tires may be the difference between life and death in an accident. Do yourself a favour, and get your vehicle a good set of winter boots!